Hiring dedicated PHP Developers for your next Tech Project

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Tips & How-To's | 0 comments

Photo by Elijah Mears on Unsplash

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring Dedicated PHP Developers


In the fast-paced world of technology, having a dedicated and skilled PHP developer on your team can make all the difference in the success of your web development project. PHP, a server-side scripting language used for building dynamic websites, has been around for over two decades and continues to be a popular choice for web developers. However, with so many PHP developers out there, how do you ensure that you find the right one for your project?


In this article, we’ll explore the top qualities to look for in a PHP developer, including technical and soft skills. We’ll also examine the current industry outlook for PHP developers and highlight some of the most popular use cases for this versatile language. Whether you’re a CEO, CTO, startup founder, or part of the hiring team in a company, this article will provide valuable insights into how to hire dedicated PHP developers for your next tech project.


PHP Programming Language


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language used primarily for web development.


One of the most important features of PHP is its ability to interact with databases, which makes it well suited for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. The PHP code is executed on the server, which generates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that is sent to the client’s web browser. In this way, PHP can handle complex logic and data processing on the server side while providing a fast and responsive user experience on the client side.


More infos about this can be found on the official PHP website.


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Current Use Cases for PHP


Despite being an older programming language that may lack some features found in newer languages, PHP has continued to evolve and mature over time. It is a well-documented and well-supported language that is easy to use, making it a popular choice among web developers.

PHP developers have access to a wide range of rich frameworks, databases, and libraries that support their work, and they enjoy the flexibility to set up their development environment on various operating systems like Linux, Windows, or Unix. In addition, most web hosting providers offer PHP, making it easily accessible to developers.

Moreover, PHP often comes out ahead of other languages in terms of development time and overall cost to run and maintain, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. PHP is also an efficient language that can deliver high-performance results demanded by today’s consumers.


Some of the application areas of possible PHP developers:


  • PHP Web Development
  • Custom Module Development
  • PHP Based CMS Development
  • PHP Migration
  • PHP E-Commerce Development
  • PHP Application Development


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PHP Techstack

PHP Frameworks























Web Services






JS Libraries



Prototype JS


When it comes to delivering a robust digital experience that boosts your brand’s reputation and helps you stand out from the competition, PHP is unmatched in its development capabilities.


Here are some examples of how PHP is being used to create powerful digital experiences:


  • Facebook
  • Slack
  • Mailchimp
  • Yahoo!
  • Canva

Why hire a dedicated PHP developer?


While it’s true that there are numerous programming languages to choose from, PHP developers bring unique skills and expertise to the table that can benefit your business in many ways. Let’s explore why hiring PHP developers is worth considering.


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Application Speed

One of the key benefits of PHP is its speed. When using PHP frameworks to develop software, you can expect rapid loading speeds. This is because PHP-developed products run through their own memory, which improves their loading speed. 


Practically good

Additionally, PHP is highly actionable, as it can be run on any default server and used for a variety of purposes. Whether you need server-side scripting or full software development, PHP makes it possible. Its versatility and accessibility make it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes and industries.


Low-cost execution

PHP offers low-cost execution, which is one of its most valuable features. This is because many of the tools associated with PHP are open source, which leads to lower costs when working with PHP frameworks. 


Keeping an eye out for the technical and the soft skills when hiring PHP developers


When hiring a PHP developer, it is important to evaluate both technical and soft skills to ensure they are the right person for your project. 


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Technical Skills


  • Mastery of PHP fundamentals, including knowledge of data types, variables, arrays, loops, functions, and object-oriented programming.
  • Familiarity with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as these are used to create web pages and PHP is integrated with HTML. A deeper understanding of these languages can help a developer create dynamic websites.
  • Knowledge of PHP frameworks such as Laravel or CodeIgniter, which allow developers to code websites or applications quickly and efficiently, rather than starting from scratch.
  • Ability to manage databases using languages such as SQL or MySQL, including connecting to the database, storing, retrieving, and updating information.
  • Knowledge of content management systems (CMS) such as Drupal, Joomla, or WordPress that can help developers create and maintain custom web applications, streamline content management processes, and improve website functionality.


Soft Skills 


Soft skills are generally of importance when it comes to hiring a new employee. Below are a few qualities you should look for:


  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, to effectively work with team members and clients to resolve any issues that arise during development.
  • Ability to work effectively with customers and team members to understand project requirements and deliverables.
  • Strong organizational and time management skills to efficiently build software products and meet project schedules.
  • Problem solving skills to overcome challenges or setbacks during development that often accompany experience.


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Experience level of a PHP software engineer 


When hiring a PHP developer, you should consider their experience level according to the complexity of your project. There are three types of developers: junior, mid-level, senior and lead.


Junior PHP developers


Are new to PHP development and can handle less complex projects, but are often supervised by senior developers. 


Mid-level PHP developers 


Have a few years of experience and can handle most tasks, including core PHP and frameworks, and can develop market-ready software.


Senior PHP developers


Have extensive experience, are proficient in Core PHP and the major frameworks, and can turn your idea into a product that meets your organization’s needs and user expectations. Although they cost more, they are the best choice for complex projects.


Lead PHP developers


As the name suggests, they view the development project strategically from a meta perspective. In doing so, they are less likely to be doing hands-on programming themselves. Classically, the focus is more on team leadership and development than on PHP programming.


âś… Check out what codecombinator considers to be a good PHP developer


Recent Trends and Outlook


PHP continues to stand out from the rest with the latest version 8.1, offering intriguing features such as Fiber, Never Return Type, and Intersection Type. 


Each update to PHP introduces improved error handling features and ensures powerful and responsive web application development. By 2023, PHP is expected to have a market share of 49.7%, continues making it the most popular programming language. 


The future of PHP development looks bright, especially with the Laravel framework, which is popular among the developer community due to its advanced features such as MVC architecture, eloquent ORM, and blade engine template. Despite competition from popular languages like Python, Golang, and JavaScript, PHP remains the language of choice for more than 70% of websites, proving that it is a much-needed language for modern, minimalistic, and well-functioning web applications.


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In summary, hiring a PHP developer is a critical task that requires careful consideration of technical and soft skills, experience level, and project complexity. PHP is a cost-effective and fast language with a bright future, especially with the Laravel framework growing in popularity. However, there is no such thing as a foolproof way to hire a PHP developer, but with careful evaluation and caution, you can find the right talent for your project. The right PHP developer can turn your vision into reality effortlessly. So take the time to find and hire a dedicated PHP developer who can add value to your business.


If you need help with this, feel free to contact us. We can help you move your project forward by providing your team with top-notch embedded PHP developers.


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