Global tech talent as a service
Trust some of the world’s biggest Software Development hubs with 600+ professionals.
This is the possible framework:
🚀 English speaking remote tech talent on an all-in rate (no hidden costs)
🚀 Long term relationships - 12* months of dedicated full-time Developers, Product Managers, Project Managers and Designers
When we have a fit with the above - Please help us with further details about your needs and we will be in touch in no time.
Thank you!
*Any engagement below 12 months can only be deployed out of the existing pool of employed Developers.
Multiple hubs, one provider – codecombinator
Global talent pool
Increase chances in finding your talent from our diverse pool of experienced IT professionals worldwide
Fasttrack sourcing
Simplify and fasttrack your sourcing process to 2-4 weeks upon availability in our developer pool
Multi-level screening
Get the skills and quality that fit your needs through our multi-level screening process
Flat Fee - all in
Competitive pricing with fringe benefits, office and equipment costs covered in the codecombinator hubs.
Flexible contracts
Flexible contract framework. From project-based to permanent contract period.
Chosen references that trust us for years.