Freelance or Remote Developers On Demand? What works best for your IT project in 2022

by | Jun 15, 2022 | Tips & How-To's | 0 comments

Photo by Elijah Mears on Unsplash

Freelance Software Developer vs Remote Developers On Demand – Differences & What works best for your software development project

Recent Trends show: Remote working is becoming increasingly popular in the global IT industry. In fact, 59 percent of businesses worldwide use remote development teams. But how can you use that trend to your advantage? And what is the difference between a freelance developer and a full on remote developer on demand? We will clarify and show you your best options for 2022

All things aside, the first pillar of a technology-based business is assembling a strong team of software experts. That is something we should agree on. Whether it’s for a newly founded startup or an established company, you need a group of talented developers to give their best and therefore keep you ahead of the competition.

Clearly, considering the post-pandemic world, we must rethink how we work.

This is also true for the hiring process, particularly in IT. Companies that are currently struggling filling job openings on a local scale will have to look elsewhere, which leads to the question of whether you should work with a remote development team or with freelance developers.

In this post, we will explain the differences between the terms freelance software developer and remote developer and show you the advantages & disadvantages of both forms. 

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Freelance Software Developer

A freelance web developer is a self-employed individual who works with your team on a given project. 

The term “freelance” refers to the fact that the programmer does not work for a single company in an office. Instead, freelance software programmers are frequently employed from home and may work for multiple companies at the same time.

Many businesses prefer to hire freelance programmers, while they may pay them more per hour, they are not required to provide the benefits that full-time employees get. These include health insurance, paid sick leave, and overtime. If the company does not like the work of the freelancer, it can simply end the employment relationship without having to pay unemployment benefits. Furthermore, most freelance programmers bring their own equipment, which contributes to the company’s savings.


  • Many possibilities for hiring
  • Large pool of talent available
  • Limits your onboarding costs & time 


  • Freelancer workload is fluctuating – conflict of interest possible
  • Chance that they will vanish from time to time
  • Loyalty belongs to the highest paying client

The main distinction between a remote web developer and a freelancer is the contract – the relationship you’ll develop with them. Whether it is worthwhile to build this relationship first depends on the length of the project and your demands. For a quick job, this option could be interesting.

How To Hire A Freelance Developer In Five Steps

Step One: Find your candidate
Step Two: Review profiles / applications
Step Three: Interviewing soft skills & technical skills
Step Four: Make an offer 
Step Five: Signing of contract – Onboarding

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Now that you know everything about hiring freelancer developers, it is time to take a closer look at the other options you have. If you want to expand your technology knowledge by getting additional human resources for your team, for facilitating new product development for example, hiring remote developers on demand is another valuable option for you to quickly fill any skills gaps you might have. Let us show you why.

Remote Software Developers On Demand

What is a remote on demand developer?

To put it simply, remote developers on demand are resources that companies could hire to outsource their software development to. If you are looking for developers for medium to long-term projects, remote developers from an outsourcing staffing agency are the right choice. The cost savings are much higher for this type of project length. This gives you one professional source for every development resource you need to boost your project. Remote software developers are either an addition to your current programming team or they can completely take over a project in accordance with your needed specifications.

Why should I contact a company to hire a remote on-demand developer?

Well, you need quality work, right? Finding someone who is really skilled in a certain area, whether it’s a specific programming language, like Java or jQuery, or a technology like Android or iOS. It is very time-consuming to find the right developer, if you try to find one on your own. However, if you turn to a company that specializes in this area, you can save yourself valuable time and money. This way, you have a professional contact person during the entire project development process.

Why shouldn’t I hire a software developer in-house?

First, you have to find them. This is the hardest task today and going forward. When you hire a developer yourself, your company’s overall budgeting increases. You have to do the whole onboarding process, pay the agreed salary and provide the benefits that full-time employees in your company receive. 

Hiring on-demand developers instead saves you a lot of time in the long run by avoiding the hiring process completely. Also, with a remote on-demand developer, you will have much more flexibility in planning the budget for a project. This way, you’ll get quality work while using cost-effective solutions.

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Ok, let’s summarize the ups and downs of a remote software developer on-demand.


  • Reduced risk and fast processing times
  • Simplified management
  • Cost and time saving
  • Professional partner who brings helpful experience to the project
  • Proven quality
  • Flexibility 


  • Remote Communication
  • Possible time zone differences
  • Building a team mentality might be tricky

As you can see, there are more advantages than disadvantages. The main factor is to find the right outsource company. But how to differentiate between the various companies? 

An important point is choosing the form of offered outsourcing services, the time zone which is operated in.

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How To Hire A Remote Software Developer In 3 Steps With codecombinator

Step One: Scoping – Find your candidate
  • Submit an inquiry based on your project requirements
  • Focus on your business, while the process of identifying fitting candidates is in our hands
Step Two: Pick from Pool
  • Inquiry selection is made – choose your preferred pre-qualified developer from the list
Step Three: Interview – Onboarding
  • Interview your talent and find out if its a good fit for you, the rest is up to us
Pay attention to the following key points:

✅ Candidates experiences and technical skills (by viewing work examples e.g.)

✅ Applicants creativity, problem-solving skills and interpersonal abilities aka soft skills 

Key Takeaways 

Hiring a remote team with the right skills and experience is key. When you’re trying to hire dedicated software developers, you need to consider a few questions:  Where do you want to get the candidates from? How long do you need the development resources? And the form of engagement. Is it on a freelancing or a remote development base, you decide based on your needs. We hope that our article will help you make a clear decision.

Written with know how 

by Team codecombinator

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